Other Projects
Bespoke scalable content
This is where we put everything that didn’t fit into the other categories
Hope Homes
Hope Homes are a large housing company in Scotland. We create PR materials for their housing developments across Scotland. The locations and scale of their operations often lend themselves to basing videos around drone footage.
HANG: Hip Hop Aimed Networking With Grime - Virtual Conference
For it’s inaugural year, we filmed various interviews and edited and produced Zoom panels to create the first conference of it’s type in Scotland. the project was Creative Scotland supported.
DM Design - Ideal Home Show 2017
DM Design asked us to attend their stand at the Home show 2017 and provide a highlight reel which relayed the company’s range on social media.
Aldosport - Rally videos
Aldosport is an ongoing client who tasks us with covering their work in the Scottish Rally industry. This includes collecting content and footage from events and then editing them into dynamic content for PR and social media.
The Wee House Company
We have worked with the Wee House company since they were a startup(A Wee Wee House company if you will). They specialise in creating modular homes across Scotland and the footage has appeared across print and social media and on national television(Channel 4, BBC).
Carey’s construction
We have provided video archiving of presentations at Carey’s Edinburgh Airport and Glasgow University projects.
SAMAS Virtual Award Ceremony 2020
We provided VT’s and live sessions with Nova and Walt Disco for The Scottish Alternative Music Awards virtual ceremony in 2020
New Cumnock Burns Club
2020 brought many changes and one change for us was the rise in “home production” via zoom and Skype. Even the major news channels are now comfortable with contributors providing content via technology that was previously considered amateur. We embraced in order to continue providing services for clients. We even wrote guidelines for creating home video. New Cumnock Burns club have an average age far higher than even the most expensive Whiskies. They are a social bunch and have done great in maintaining a community of ‘Drouthie Cronies’ who meet regularly for discussions and events. One of the mainstays of this activity has been their video podcast which we edit once a week.
People’s Ford - Event Promo Video
Comedy Sketches
Every now and again we get asked to help produce comedy sketches. This one got nominated for both All The Laughs Comedy Festival and the Atlanta and New York City Short Comedy Film Festival
Peter Johnstone - Your Ass Is Mine[Short Film]
We helped Peter make a short film - read all about it here