Contact Us
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Buy us a coffee
If any of the info on our website helped you or you fancy buying me a virtual coffee, you can do so here:
Join our mailing list
Periodically I’ll send out a new letter with new blog posts and things I think are of interest.
Work with us
I could regularly do with another set of hands on jobs. These include
Recording bands in studios or on location
Filming and photographing bands in studios and on location
Making music videos
Editing Photography
Editing Video
Editing and mixing audio
Designing graphics for bands
If anyone is trying to build up experience in this area then drop me a line and I will let you know when there is stuff that might be of interest.
I’ll always let you know if it is paid work or not. In general, if you are contributing you will get paid something, if you are just observing you won’t.
If you’re interested - fill in this form: