
100 days of fatherhood

I’ve been a Dad for 100 days. So i’ve written down 50 things I’ve learned. It should probably be 100 things… but I’ve been busy and time management is a challenge :). I’m not going to send it to anyone - cos I think they should discover their own path and it’s a wonderful journey. But for posterity… here it is:

  1. Take everything with a pinch of salt. Seriously open social media and someone will tell you how you are meant to be doing it. Fuck them!! You do it your way.

  2. Pregnant women sleep earlier and earlier as the baby grows. Drink whisky and read books in the evening.

  3. All your friends will try and clear out their sheds. The real ones won’t try and charge you.

  4. Buy everything second hand - the depreciation is huge. We bartered for everything using bottles given to me as tips at weddings

  5. You don’t know anyone’s personal journey with babies. Treat everyone with kid gloves and don’t judge how they react to your change in life.

  6. New friends will appear from nowhere

  7. Old friends will dissolve into the ether

  8. White noise is king

  9. Monochrome patterns are king

  10. Rockabye baby provides listenable baby music(Thanks Marie)

  11. Baby poo doesn’t smell bad during the first 100 days. Like a slightly sharp yoghurt

  12. Baby sick only smells if it comes from formula

  13. Babies look worried when they’ve farted but proud when they’ve jobbied

  14. Baby burps can be louder than adult burps, yet they show very little pride in them

  15. It’s amazing how much you can do on so little sleep

  16. It’s amazing how much sleep you can get. Basically your sleep is all over the place and random.

  17. It’s amazing how productive you can be at your desk when you don’t know when you’ll next get the chance.

  18. A baby smiling at you cures all ills

  19. As soon as you think you have the hang of parenthood, the bundle of joy moves the goalposts 

  20. You’ve loads of time to watch TV, but the concentration of a drummer after two cans of red bull, so you have to watch very low level things with little to no flashbacks.

  21. Gussett poppers on baby clothes are the devil

  22. I have sang “Three Craws” so many times that there are now 10 craws who exist in a complicated co-dependent narrative. I have imagined an animated short film which accompanies the song.

  23. Babies will look at a selfie camera and it provides hours of entertainment

  24. Both parents using both hands to eat will recommence in 2030

  25. A baby can take 5mls of medicine. Smile and laugh at you, and then dribble 6mls of medicine down their chin 

  26. Babies hands have a mind of their own. They will cry for a bottle and then push the bottle out of their own mouth

  27. Anything after 9pm is now “late into the night”. the new series of Derry Girls has started and we watch it on a Tuesday because it’s not on till 9pm on the Monday.

  28. I diddle a baby at 7am every morning and watch the sun rise over sea and mountains. There’s nothing finer.

  29. Cobbles provide a great vibration for sending babies to sleep in a pram

  30. Libravox has free audiobooks for long early morning pram walks

  31. She watches big heads on the television - the news and game shows are her favourite

  32. Its very cute when she talks to photos of us. Our skinny selves from a past life.

  33. Having a full cup of hot coffee is a distant memory

  34. Nappies are much cheaper in Aldi

  35. Tik Tak is a great Belgian telly programme on iPlayer

  36. All baby paraphernalia should be tested for whether it can be opened with one hand

  37. Babies can circumvent any automated system for entertaining them.

  38. They far prefer to be held using the last of whichever muscle hurts the most.

  39. The majority of my time has been spent making things hot to sterilise them and then cooling them down to make them safe for use. Quick! Heat that thing up and then cool it down as fast as you can.

  40. Nursing tops are mobius strips which cannot be hung out to dry

  41. Sleep schedule is king - Gina Ford for President

  42. A babies favourite foods are the messiest ones

  43. Kiri & Lou is a great New Zealand telly programme on iPlayer from the people that brought you Flight of the Concordes.

  44. Why aren’t people using discarded porridge as cement?

  45. Dried Soreen and dried jobbies look very similar on clothes when you go out at night

  46. Having struggled to dress myself appropriately for my entire life, I now have to endeavour to not embarrass my daughter too much when she looks back on photos of fashion disasters put together in the dark, on a lack of sleep with one hand

  47. It is incredibly hard to black out a room.

  48. It is incredibly annoying blacking out a room with a good view

  49. all your clothes have sick, poo, spit, dribble or food on them

  50. Start to take spare clothes for not just the wean, but also you

Neil McKenzie